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This is a personal endeavour, created out of necessity. I got sucked into the system of debt when I first started working.  It took me years to rebuild my life. I've started many different businesses, and failed at many. And created sustainable ones too. But after getting things a little bit balanced,  I realised there are some core decisions that  resulted in my failure.  And others which boil down to poor systems, my own and and other man made ones.  I figured, after going through that initial hell,  best to share what I've learnt along the way, and hopefully you won't have to go down the same path of unnecessary pain. 

If you think these blog posts are about you, they're probably not, because most of the stories

come from research, as well as from people I know and have met mixed in with my own experiences. Most people are too scared to voice their opinions about systems they deem unfair or unethical. This blog was built with the intention of giving a voice to the voiceless. Please remember this is not financial advice.. I am not a registered financial advisor or an economist for that matter. I am am small business owner, and parent who deals with the general stress of finance... So just bear in mind, this is all a matter of sharing info from various people and businesses, my personal experience and perspective. In summary, this is based on qualitative research that has dissected differences, regularities (irregularities) and patterns. Mixture of perceived and observed.  This blog is dedicated to shedding light on systems which need to change.

Disclaimer: Just because I highlight issues in some industries doesn't mean that all businesses are  in that space are corrupt. I'm simply highlighting the issues within processes where the system becomes exploitive. 

Do your own research.  Test, try, learn . Think for yourself.

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