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Dear Checkers Sixty60

Writer's picture: EcologicalEcological
Did you know that you could recycle your shopping bags with Sixty60? I didn't know either....I was just going to use them for composting. One of my friends told me that they have recycling as part of their process.. honestly, as much as I love branding and thought the bags were cute when they came out, I actually never read them properly. From missioning downstairs to collect the packages to rushing upstairs and get them all unpacked as soon as possible, you tend to not really look at the packaging during execution mode. I genuinely thought the whole bag was just a pattern.

I've seen many "green" initiatives, with a focus on trying to make things better for humanity as a whole, but completely missing the point. Don't worry, Checkers isn't one of them. Where people get it wrong, are restaurants with biodegradable straws placed in plastic cups? Or recycling initiatives which simply create more waste in our streets.

Let me take a step back, so ages ago, I wanted to start recycling. Then I realised the problem was not only separation at source, but also what I was buying in the first place. This led to me to reevaluating the things I would buy, namely eliminate plastic. This isn't that easy to do when you realise just how many things are created incorrectly. And plastic serves a purpose to keep food fresh. But it's always designed in a way, that is completely unrecyclable as it mixes materials together.

I really like Checkers. I decided, these guys are doing things right, but there's just one small thing I'd like to adjust. Checkers 60sixty if you're reading this, don't be offended, I'm probably your best customer. The problem is (not their fault, it's more a me issue)-- You see, since I found out about the recycling part of this shopping process, I'm still blind to picking up my bags when it's time to get my groceries from downstairs. I find it very difficult to remember in the moment that I need to take my bags down. As soon as I look at my phone, my attention leaves the physical realm and is pulled back into the digital. So, believe it or not, but I end up walking right passed the bags I specifically packed near the front door for remembering.

I've been using 60sixty throughout the pandemic, so it must be 3 years of use by now.

Incase you didn't know either:

Basically, if you have 10 bags, you can bring them to the driver to collect when you receive your next delivery. - I only found this out in 2022 through a friend who showed me where to look on the packaging.

If I had known this, I wouldn't have been collecting the bags for my own recycling mission. Then I thought, what is exactly is the problem that I didn't see this information?

  • Is the problem the design on the packaging? As the pattern makes you assume the whole bag is a pattern, so you don't think there's actually information on the bag?

They've considered the fact that people should keep them by the door to be ready when leaving, assuming they saw this info on the bag. When receiving your groceries you tend to be holding the bags, and not reading the bags.

  • Is the problem that you're in such a hurry to get your groceries from driver into the fridge that you're too distracted to notice the packaging?

  • Or is the problem the placement of the messaging? That you never saw the info in the first place? ie. Message is on the bag, and not on the app.

I'll probably use these bags for composting if I don't end up recycling them. Because no driver will accept this many bags at this point in time. So I have been following this process completely wrong from it's intended use.

pile of paper shopping bags
My current reality- pandemic accumulation and post pandemic - bags saved for recycling

Dear Checkers Sixty60, could you please adjust one small thing on your app, based on where our attention is in the moment of collection. When driver is on his way or when he arrives, please could you add this notification to remind me to bring down some bags? It would really help a great deal. --Just putting this request out there, incase other people have this same issue, then maybe with more requests it could be added to your backlog?

app notification we're on our way, don't forget your bags for recycling
We're on our way, don't forget your bags for recycling...


Your best customer,


For those of you who didn't know, why ordering groceries for delivery is better than driving to the shops (or in my case getting a lift there)

As much as I love delivery apps, because I never need to be in a store ever again and waste my time in queues, or be knocked by someones trolley at the back of my leg, there is a downside unfortunately. The way drivers are treated. I haven't interviewed any checkers delivery drivers, so I cannot be sure if they are experiencing the same issues. But many drivers and bike riders from uber eats, mr delivery and other delivery industries have so many challenges. The problem of unethical platform business models. --All drivers need to be treated better. Read more about driver risk in platform businesses


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